diet, fitness, health, Inspiration, Uncategorized, wellness

Simple Truths about Longterm Weightloss

I don't pretend to be a nutritional expert but over the last 2 years, I have learned a lot about living a healthy & active lifestyle. I have come to accept that there are some very simple truths about successfully losing weight and getting in shape that I thought I would share with you. It's… Continue reading Simple Truths about Longterm Weightloss

diet, fitness, health, Inspiration

Being Real about the Ideal

It's funny how we go into new diets or health regimens with these unrealistic ideals about how we are going to look and what we are going to weigh when we are done. Some of it is based on what science or doctors tell us, and some of it's all in our heads. For example,… Continue reading Being Real about the Ideal